Whether you’re working with add drop forms or other higher ed documents, utilizing electronic signatures makes your job faster and easier. Learn how to send a PDF for signature in five simple steps.

Are you constantly trying to acquire wet signatures for add drop course forms? Do you wish there was a better way to get a PDF document signed digitally?

With Adobe Acrobat, campus departments can now create and send online forms directly to students for electronic signatures. Acrobat makes it easy to manage and track documents, too, so you’ll know which forms are waiting to be signed or have been completed.

The benefits are immediate: less spend on paper, copier ink, and mailing supplies. Not to mention time savings, which you can use to focus on other critical tasks.

When you send a PDF for signature, students can open it via PC, Mac, or mobile device. Then, it can be signed instantly and returned safely and securely.

How to Send a PDF for Signature

  1. Launch Acrobat.
    Once you have Acrobat open, select an existing PDF file to open. Alternatively, you can scan one of your documents with Adobe Scan, and Acrobat will instantly analyze and open it.
  2. Click the Fill & Sign tool in the right-hand side pane.
  3. Add a recipient.
    Enter an email address, add an optional custom message, and click “Next.”
  4. Create form and signature fields.
    Click to accept the automatically-detected form and signature, or drag and drop your own from the right pane.
  5. Send your form for signature.
    Click “Send.” Each email recipient receives an email with a link to e-sign instantly along with a copy of the signed document. Your copy will be stored securely in Adobe Document Cloud.

For large document volumes and multiple signatures

If you need to go beyond simple 1:1 signature interactions, Adobe Acrobat Sign can handle large numbers of documents with multiple signers on a single document. Acrobat Sign can also be integrated into custom automated workflows — department or even campus-wide.

Watch how to request an e-signature with Adobe Acrobat

Get your free trial of Adobe Acrobat

Now that you know how to collect electronic signatures on add/drop forms, try it out with a free trial of Adobe Acrobat.

Adobe AcrobatDigital SignaturesPDF